Residential Water Heater: How to Reduce Your Heating Energy Costs

Water heaters are essential for numerous tasks in the home, and they promote convenience and comfort. Unfortunately, these appliances cause high energy consumption in the house. As a result, your monthly electrical bills can be high, causing financial strain. If you are concerned about the current power consumption by your residential water heater, you should think about applying the below-outlined practical guidelines for higher energy efficiency in your home.

Reduce Hot Water Usage

You should reduce the total amount of hot water used in your home to manage the cost of electrical heating. This method is highly reliable and will produce significant results. You do not have to sacrifice your comfort; you will only need to cut the wastage.

Showers tend to cause the unnecessary loss of hot water, increasing the energy bills. Therefore, you should reduce these costs by installing a low-flow shower head. You should also look for water-efficient taps.

There are multiple appliances in the home which use hot water. Regrettably, most homeowners tend to utilise the heating functions in these household machines unnecessarily. For example, most standard clothes can be washed in a cold cycle; choosing hot water consumes energy needlessly. You should also check your dishwasher settings and use the economy settings when possible. Additionally, you should encourage better hot water usage practices by everyone in your house.

Insulate the Pipes

You should insulate your hot water pipes if they are currently exposed. You should also make sure that the tank is completely wrapped. If the hot water tank is not covered, it will keep losing heat. As a result, the appliance will have to continue supplying heat to restore the water to the desired temperature. Also, if the pipes are left bare, heat exchange will be inevitable. In simple terms, the hot water flowing from your tank will lose temperature before reaching the outlet. When you apply insulation, you will prevent these challenges and reduce your heating expenses.

Replace the Heater

Finally, you should think about installing a new efficient heater in your home. Hot water systems designed and built long ago are not highly efficient. Therefore, they can be costly to operate, even if you take other measures. When you install an appliance which has been constructed to use less energy, you will guarantee significant savings. The buying price might be high, but you will offset your expenses through lower electrical bills in the long run. You can also choose to install a natural gas, solar or heat pump system for optimal performance. 

Talk with a plumber for more help with optimal hot water service.

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Phoebe's Plumbing Tips

Yo! My name is Phoebe and this is my new blog. This blog contains useful information about my favourite subject - plumbing. It might seem like a strange thing to be interested in but my love of plumbing started last year when a contractor visited my home. The sink in the kitchen kept leaking and it was driving me nuts. No matter what I did, it would continue to drip. I found the number of a local plumbing service and gave them a call. The guy they sent out was super nice and he fixed up the problem. As he was working, he answered the questions I had about my home's plumbing system and that sparked my interest. Since then, I have been learning all I can about this topic.



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